We bring businesses and organizations together to support our community and schools in the North Knoxville Area.

We welcome new members and we support positive growth, relationships, and interaction in our business community.
NKBPA provides scholarships and support to the students and teachers of Fulton High School in partnership with the Fulton High School Alumni Association.

Member Meetings and Announcements

The North Knoxville Business & Professional Association was established in June of 2003 by a core group of local business professionals who had a passion for restoring and improving the North Knoxville community. Since 2003 the organization has grown to a membership of more than 100 businesses and individuals as well as a deeply involved board of directors. We welcome new members and support the positive development and growth of relationships in the business community.

NKBPA is about business and community leaders dedicated to serving and improving the North Knoxville community. We support students, non-profit organizations, and the business community in the North Knoxville area.

NKPBA provides support to Fulton High School and local non-profits serving the diverse population of North Knoxville.

Our meetings are held at rotating locations on the second Friday of each month.
Free breakfast begins at 7:45am, our program runs from 8am to 9am.

North Knoxville Business and Professional Association
PO Box 27479
Knoxville, TN 37928-7349

Meeting Schedule

Our meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of each month. Locations and speakers will be posed prior to meeting. Free breakfast begins at 7:45am. Our program runs from 8am to 9am.

Meeting Reminder Sign-up

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Business Address